PTI Psychotherapists Training Insitute

Ace your NCMHCE License Exam! with PTI’s ExamGuide, ExamAce™, ExamMaster, and ExamPrep

PTI Testimonials

Here’s some of what folks who use our materials and take our workshops have to say about their experience:

PTI’s ExamGuide: Clinical Mental Health Counselor Handbook and Study Guide, Revised, 3rd edition

  • Fabulous! The handbook & study guide are a work of enormous benefit and not just for the test.

  • It was tremendously helpful. The workbook and flashcards were indispensable

  • Little cards were my constant companions for couple of weeks prior to test, and they helped!

  • I was very impressed with the organization and materials in the Handbook.

Psychotherapists Training Institute happy professionals
  • I feel it was extremely critical to my success. Thank you.

  • Prepared me very well in organizing my knowledge and acknowledging what I did know.

  • Very thorough review. Very helpful

  • Excellent prep - terrific materials

  • It was very informative and would highly recommend it to anyone who was preparing to take the (NCMHCE) exam.

  • I thought it was incredibly helpful - specifically identifying what I needed to know.

  • I felt very well prepared for the exam. Thank you very much.

  • Thanks for so much guidance - it really helped!

  • Extremely helpful. Great practice and many good tips. The exam was a piece of cake.

  • PTI’s ExamMaster:
    NCMHCE Preparation Workshop

    • It was awesome - I passed with flying colors! Thanks for all the help - the class helped tremendously.

    • The workshop was helpful. The test was tricky. I didn’t think I passed - but was happy to see I got enough points to pass!! Yea!

    • I could not thank you enough! For the first time my name and “Pass” were on the same piece of paper

    • Clearly, knowing “how” to take the exam was crucial for passing.
      The workshop group practice sessions were very helpful. Thanks!

    • The workshop was very helpful in providing structure to the prep process. Helped me to id strengths/weaknesses, and how to best focus studying.

    • The class did a great job of teaching me how to think like the test writers.
      It was the perfect preparation - gave me clear info on how to prepare and helped me develop a
      good test strategy.

    • I wouldn’t have passed w/o this class - it was so very necessary to understanding the strategies of the exam.

    • I was so very prepared by the workshop that the test was easy - my confidence was high.

    • The workshop was so helpful in many ways, but especially in helping to hone in on what to study and the format of the exam and how to think through the questions.

    • The workshop helped me think about the test how the test taker did. I didn’t panic when I missed a few on an early scenario.

    • Thanks for helping me gain more confidence in taking this exam. I finally passed after 3 attempts. Phew!

    • The workshop was extremely helpful in preparing me for the exam - I knew what to expect - it made me a better test-taker.

    • I passed with high scores as a result of having taken the workshop.

    • If it wasn’t for the workshop, I don’t think I would have passed. Thank you so much!


    • I found practicing several simulations most helpful because you begin to see patterns.

    • Wonderful - would not have passed without it. Thank you so much for doing these.

    Psychotherapists Training Institute happy professionals
    • Thank you again for the informative and practical workshop. It was excellent preparation and I would recommend it to anyone preparing to take the LMHC (NCMHCE) exam.

    • This was very helpful for me when I sat down to take the state exam. Thank you for the great job in educating us and preparing us. TY

    • The workshop was very helpful, it provided information that was extremely useful for the exam and for passing.

    • It was very worthwhile; knowing the format of the test was most helpful.

    • Particularly helpful regarding bias/cultural aspects of the test itself. It was very helpful. A good preparation for the test.

    • Excellent workshop!! Really helped me to know what to study.

    • It was a very informative workshop. It gave me the confidence I needed.

    • Thank you, thank you, thank you! I would never had passed if I didn’t take the course - I am so appreciative!

    • Without the workshop I wouldn’t have passed. Thank You!

    • Helpful in showing me “how” to think about questions, good information and always a learning experience

    • Thank you so very very much!! I couldn’t have done it without you. I recommend your workshop to everyone.

    • The group work on the practice cases was extremely helpful. Thanks again! Couldn’t have done it without you!

    • Workshop helped so much!! I would not have passed without your help and input!